The Board of Directors of Georgetown University will
be meeting this Friday to legitimize a few things of
importance to your education
- -- $100.00 tuition hike
- -- increase in enrollments
- -- increase in rental fees on our palatial dormitories.
- -- Probably no increase in the number of faculty members, or two at most.
- ? ? Did you get all the courses you wanted at registration? ?
- ? ? Are you aware that there are 60 people in what should have been a seminar, and 88 people in a Senior year
English elective? ? - ? ? How many classes under 30 students do you have? ?
Ever have the feeling that you're not getting your moneys worth?
Friday, you can express this feeling
- -- Buy a lemon at the Circle, 12:00
- -- Walk up to Second Healy
- -- Place the lemon outside Fr. Henle's office.
- -- Watch:
- -- The Board of Directors walk by 3,000 lemons
- -- The national press cover this event.
- Money collected goes to a scholarship fund
- All lemons will be returned.
- (Ever buy a used lemon from the Board of Directors?)
- The Board of Directors gets the message that our
education is getting sour.
The Lemon Day Committee