From its earliest days, the Christian Church has incorporated music into its communal act of worship. The Roman Catholic Church has continued this tradition throughout its history, which is displayed in its main liturgical texts (the Missal, the Pontifical, the Breviary, and the Psalter) used within the Roman Rite, the ancient form of worship used by much of Western Roman Catholicism.
Much of the music within these liturgical texts is rooted in the Psalms of David, which serve to orient the entirety of human experience, both joy and lament, towards the praise of God. Theologically understood, music is not only a human activity, or an unnecessary embellishment, but a site of sacred transcendence, which aspires to mirror and participate in the Beauty of God.
Pontificale Romanum Clementis VIII. et Urbani VIII. Jussu editum, Postremo a Sanctissimo Domino Nostro Benedicto XIV. recognitum & castigatum, in tres partes diviisum.
Venice: Ex Typographia Balleoniana, 1769.
The Roman Pontifical is a liturgical book containing the rites and sacramental ceremonies performed by bishops and archbishops. Here open to the sung ritual for coronation of a queen.
Graduale romanum iuxta missale ex decreto sacro-sancti concilii tridentini Pii V. pontif. maxim. jussu editum et Clementis VIII; primum nunc denuo Urbani papae Octavi auctoritate recognitum
Paris: Robert Ballard, 1655
A Roman Gradual, a liturgical book containing the chants and music for use in the Mass. Owned by Jean Edouard de Mondésir, the fourth priest ordained in America, and used at St. Nicholas Church, St. Mary’s County, Maryland.
Gradvale Romano-monasticvm iuxta missale Pauli V. Pontificis maximi
Nivers: Guilielmi Gabrielis,1658
A Roman Gradual, a liturgical book containing the chants and music for use in the Mass. Open to the feast of St. Scholastica.
Manuale cantorum, sive Graduale romanum juxta novum missale recognitum
Antverpiae: typis Joannis Pauli Verdussen, 1776
A Roman Gradual, a liturgical book containing the chants and music for use in the Mass. The text is open to the Feast of the Body of Christ.
Canon missae : ad usum episcoporum ac praelatorum solemniter vel private celebrantium ...
Romae: Typis Rev. Camerae Apostolicae apud Salviuccios,1845
The Canon of the Mass, a liturgical work defining the celebration of the Eucharist.
Antiphonale romanum, juxta breviarium ex decreto sacro-sancti concilii Tridentini PII V. Pont Max. Jussu Antena Editum...
Lutetiae Parisiorum: Apud Michaelem Dauplet, 1670
The Roman Antiphonary, or Breviary, is a book of chants and prayers used to celebrate the Divine Office, the daily service. Open to Easter Sunday.
Manuale chorale ad formam breuiarii Romani s. Pij V. Pontif. Max. iussu editi : & Clementis VIII. primùm, nunc denuò Vrbani papae VIII. auctoritate recogniti accommodatum, omnibus ecclesiasticis horas diurnas atque nocturnas ...
Venetiis: Apud Iuntas, 1643
Choral manual and breviary used to celebrate the Divine Office, the daily service.
Canon missae ad usum episcoporum ac praelatorum solemniter vel private celebrantium
Ratisbonae, Romae, Cincinnati, F. Pustet, 1904
The Canon of the Mass, a liturgical work defining the celebration of the Eucharist. This copy was used at Woodstock College for ordination ceremonies from 1904-1970.
Graduale Romanum juxta missale ex decreto sacro-sancti Concilii Tridentini restitum, et Clementis VIII. Auctoritate recognitum; adjectis officiis novissimè editis ad exemplar missalis Romani.
Leodii: Clementis Plomteux, 1787
A Roman Gradual, a liturgical book containing the chants and music for use in the Mass. Book Open to the First Sunday of Advent.
Psalterium Romanum dispositum per hebdomadam ad normam Breuiarij Romani : Pii V Pont. Max. iussu editi, et Clementis VIII primum, nunc denuo Vrbani Papae VIII auctoritate recogniti, accommodatum : cum hymnis, Officio Beatae Mariae....
Venitiis: Apud Cieras, 1675
A Roman Psalter and Breviary, containing the chants and psalms sung within the Daily Office, the daily service. Our copy clearly shows signs of heavy use and repair, indicating the importance of the book within the daily life of the community.
Curated by Adrian Vaagenes, Digital and Archival Services Librarian, Woodstock Theological Library