Name, job title, and department: Abigail Youngblood, Digital Production Specialist for Jesuit Collections, Digital Scholarship and Technology Services.
In one sentence, what do you do? I digitize, process, and upload all materials pertaining to Jesuit Collections to Digital Georgetown.
Where are you from? I’m from Panama City Beach, Florida, and moved here last August.
Why Georgetown/D.C.? It’s not Florida! Also, I’ve been wanting to move to Washington D.C. for a while for the museums, libraries, and opportunities in archival work.
What are your hobbies? I like hiking, doing crafts, listening to music, and going to concerts.
What are you reading/listening to right now? I’ve been reading Anthony Bourdain’s Kitchen Confidential and listening to Vulfpeck.
Have you come across anything particularly interesting in your work? I’ve digitized a lock of hair, which was a first for me!
If you could be present for any event of the past, present, or future, what would it be? It would be fun to live through the Roaring 20s, even if it wouldn’t be so fun after.
What's your superpower/hidden talent? I’m very good at baking. I worked at a bakery for a while and can usually produce something edible without following a recipe, which I think is a superpower.
If you didn’t work in your current field, what would you be doing? I have a background in art history, so I would probably do curating and work in a gallery.
You are building your dream house. What is one room or feature you would want to include? A library!