Teach-Yourself Tutorials

Self-paced guides to using some key science research databases:


One-stop shop for video tutorials on software products for audio, video, web design, photography, 3D, graphic design, business, and development (e.g., Excel, Blackboard, iMovie, Photoshop, PowerPoint, MATLAB, R).

JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments)

JoVE is a peer-reviewed scientific video journal, indexed in PubMed, SciFinder, and Web of Science. It publishes video articles on experimental methods in biological, medical, chemical, and physical research. The videos demonstrate best practices in research methods, allowing you to see (rather than just read) how to set up and perform a technique before going to lab. Watch each video as many times as necessary to familiarize yourself with a lab technique before you try it. JoVE can reduce the fear that often accompanies performing new methods.

Manage your research strategy, use science databases more effectively, and understand how the library is organized: