Think of a product, service, or nonprofit/election, learn how to measure it's adversting spending, what channel, or local targeting. Now to look for trends. That tool you have at Georgetown University is Vivvix. This database (formerly Advertising Insights and Ad$pender) provides advertising expenditure data for advertising campaigns, over 100,000 brands, and product categories. The 18 media formats covered include cable, internet, TV (network, spot and syndicated), broadcast radio (network and national spot radio), outdoor advertising, major national newspapers and hundreds of business-to-business and consumer magazines.
Data can be retrieved by brand, product class/category, company name, etc. Data are available monthly, quarterly and annually and for 102 major population centers. This database works best on laptops. Registration.
3:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Jennifer C. Boettcher, Business Librarian