Latest from Economic Census

Business-to-business industry information is tough to find. The Economic Census lets you discover the market size, competition, customers, geographic concentration, product mix, and the data to create such ratios of sales/establishments size or sales/employment size and more. With the 2022 Economic Census's release, major changes will be made in redefining two frameworks used: the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) and the North American Product Classification System (NAPCS). The data coming out for the 2022 Economic Census started in 2024 and will continue until 2026, will include new data on business technologies and telemedicine, exported/imported services for all industries, and new product classification for cannabis, cryptocurrency, electric vehicles, remanufacturing, and more. Join me in learning about this free and unrestricted data source.
3:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Jennifer C. Boettcher, Business Librarian
