Putting Materials on Canvas

Enhance your Canvas course site with research resources, readings, websites and multimedia from the Library!

Link to Library Resources

Make the library part of your course by linking to:

Linking to articles from Library databases

We strongly encourage creating links in Canvas to articles, e-journals, and e-books. (Don't upload copyrighted PDFs into your Canvas site!).

However, for links to work correctly for off-campus students, they need to go through the Library's proxy server — the URL needs to contain proxy.library.georgetown.edu. Library databases will often have a "permanent link" or "stable URL" for linking purposes. Sometimes this "stable URL" will already contain the proxy string, but if it does not, add:


to the START of the URL for the item. For example:


If you have questions about linking to library resources for off-campus access, please contact the Library's Electronic Resources & Serials Unit.

Multimedia Resources

Contact Information

Course Reserves: reserves@georgetown.edu

Canvas support & training materials

UIS Help Desk: (202) 687-4949 or help@georgetown.edu