DEI Resources - Implicit Bias

This page has been prepared by the Georgetown University Library’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee. We hope you find it useful in more deeply exploring the topic of implicit bias. If you have comments or suggestions about this page, please contact the Library's DEI Committee.

Introduction / Definitions

Implicit bias is defined as the unconsciously held attitudes individuals have toward others or the association of stereotypes with individuals. People’s implicit bias may run counter to their conscious beliefs without their realizing it. Implicit bias is also known as unconscious bias or implicit social cognition. "Ethics Unwrapped", McCombs School of Business, The University of Texas at Austin

Examples of Implicit Bias

  • Assuming an Asian or Asian-American student is good at science and math
  • Bias in the medical profession - a 2018 study revealed that Black patients were 40% less likely to receive medication to each acute pain and Hispanic or Latinx patients were 25% less likely to receive medication to each acute pain compared with White patients. (see "Racial and ethnic disparities" below)
  • Bias in the legal profession - in a 2014 study, a legal memorandum was sent to 60 law firm partners; the partners who were told the memo was written by a Black law student rated the memo lower than the partners who were told the memo was written by a White law student. (see Partners in study" below)
  • Bias in the workforce - resumes with Resume study - White-sounding names received 50% more callbacks for interviews than identical resumes with Black-sounding names.(see "Are Emily and Greg" source below)
  • Bias in higher education - athletes at Georgetown University created a video recounting instances of bias and microaggressions they have experienced in the video I Can’t Breathe

Learn More About Implicit Bias

Georgetown University Resources on Implicit Bias

Apologizing for Unintentional Racist Comments