Pathways and Strategies for Transitioning from Montessori to Middle School and Beyond: A Learning Engagement and Transition Guide for Parents

This learning engagement and guide for parents of Montessori students provides a brief history of the Montessori philosophy, supplemental online media, narratives and reflections. Underpinned by a values framework, the learning engagement and guide is meant to serve as a starting point for conversation about considerations to support a learner's transition from Montessori to middle school learning environments with different pedagogical values. The guide includes links to an online map of pathways taken by Montessori alumni.

Cover of Pathways and Strategies for Transitioning from Montessori to Middle School and beyond: A Learning Engagement and Resource Guide for Montessori Parents written and designed by Cristina Benitez, showing a collage of photos of elementary school students involved in various arts and crafts and outdoor activities

Cristina Benitez
Library Staff